Auto Aftermarket Retailers: New Study Reveals AM/FM Radio Is The Ideal Platform For Reaching Auto Parts Shoppers
The Cumulus Media | Westwood One Audio Active Group® commissioned MARU/Matchbox to conduct the sixth installment of a comprehensive auto aftermarket category study to determine the current state of America’s auto parts retailers. 805 auto parts shoppers were surveyed in August 2023.
Media scorecard: AM/FM radio is the ideal platform to advertise auto aftermarket
Heavy AM/FM radio listeners visit more retailers, make more shopping trips, and spend more annually in the auto parts category.
Compared to heavy TV viewers, audio listeners:
- Shop more often
- Shop more auto parts retailers
- Have maintenance or service performed more frequently
- Spend more each year
- Exhibit higher retailer ad recall
AM/FM radio and podcasts are the soundtrack of the American worker. Heavy audio users over index on children and working full time. As such, they spend far more on auto parts than TV viewers. Conversely, TV is the soundtrack of America’s retirees, or as one observer wryly noted, “TV is what’s playing in God’s waiting room.”
The biggest auto parts customers are far more likely to be heavy AM/FM radio listeners
The three key consumer segments (mega-milers, do-it-yourselfers, and ultra-heavy auto parts shoppers) are more likely to be heavy AM/FM radio listeners:
- Ultra-heavy auto parts shoppers, those who made 10+ shopping trips in the past two years, are +55% more likely to be heavy AM/FM radio listeners
- Do-it-yourselfers are +20% more likely to be heavy AM/FM radio listeners
- Mega-milers (those who clock 200+ miles in their vehicles a week) are +37% more likely to be heavy AM/FM radio listeners
Our best customers and your best customers: time spent in the car powers AM/FM radio listening and the need for auto parts
As time spent in the car grows, so does the need for car maintenance and auto parts. As such, the heaviest AM/FM radio listeners are the biggest auto parts shoppers. AM/FM radio is endemic to the auto parts category.
In the car, AM/FM radio is the “queen of the road” with a stunning 85% share of ad-supported audio
Edison Research’s Q2 2023 “Share of Ear” report reveals AM/FM radio has a dominant share of in-car ad-supported audio, unchanged from Q2 2020. AM/FM radio is the perfect platform to reach heavy auto parts purchasers when they are in the car and their thoughts turn to auto maintenance.